If you’re like most of us, your medicine cabinet is packed with things you don’t need or use and a fair number of expired products. Let’s take a few minutesĀ  – less that 15, I promise! – to clean and organize this important spot.

Step 1: Take Everything Out

Take every last tube, jar, and bottle out of your cabinet. Place everything on the vanity or other surfaces in your bathroom.

Step 2: Clean and Disinfect Your Cabinet

Use a spray cleaner and wipe down every surface in your medicine cabinet. If the shelves are removable, you may want to take them out to clean them. Once you’ve wiped it down, use a disinfecting product (Clorox or Lysol wipes, etc.) to wipe the surfaces and allow to dry. The drying time is necessary to allow the product to work.

Step 3: Sort and Purge

Go through all of the items that were in your cabinet. Discard expired products or items you don’t use or need. If you have expired medication, put that somewhere to be recycled at a later date. Wipe down all of the items you plan to keep.

Step 4: Organize Your Shelves

Take a few minutes to put everything back in the cabinet in a way that makes sense for you. Put often used items front and center and easy to access. Put less used items up high. You might want to consider some simple organizers to help you keep things in order going forward. Here are a few that we like:

iDesign Med+ Plastic Bathroom Medicine Cabinet Organizers





iDesign Med+ Plastic Bathroom Medicine Cabinet Organizer




STORi Clear Plastic Makeup & Vanity Drawer Organizers




mDesign Modern Square Bathroom Vanity Countertop Storage Organizer



Step 5: Step Back and Admire Your Work

You’re done! And this is a visually satisfying accomplishment that you’ll be admiring at least several times a day. Congratulations!

Post a picture of your medicine cabinet and tag us @neatnikdc on social media!

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